Welcome to Chapters

Introducing you to Chapters.

In the years I have been running Only Her, I always love to step into the creative realm and play around with ideas that make sense to me and that I believe my community will love and relate to.

A few nights ago, it dawned on me what I want to be calling our collections for the fashion brand during this time we slowly release product and are in our building phase. 

I introduce to you, Chapters.

For the last two years, I began custom making deigns and as these designs and luxury pieces of ours wear released over time, I never truly curated them as a collection. But they really are. They are Chapter I of our story.

I love to tell a story through Only Her. It is the brand I started very young and with every new design I create, I feel it is another level unlocked in my own personal journey, and I wish to continue bringing my community along that journey. 

Fashion is not just what we wear, it is how it makes us feel. With every new season in our life, we feel different and therefore we want to dress differently. Only Her has made me confident, it has made me feel sexy, ethereal and goddess-like. I love having you all here for the journey as we unlock our own levels together.

But for now, Chapter I is here for you to shop and I cant wait to release Chapter II this year.

So much love,

Chanelle X

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